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Volunteering – The Younger Generation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th October 2003 -  Young people aged 16 to 24 years old are a growing volunteer base and according to the ABS statistics (2000) the biggest growth area in volunteering was youth. There was an increase…

Stamping Down on Postal Industry Complaints

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th October 2003 -  Australians dissatisfied with postal services will be able to take their complaints to a dedicated, independent body under reforms to the postal industry announced recently. Consumers…

SVA Essentials Series – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th October 2003 -  The SVA Institute is running a unique event in Melbourne next month to bring essential resources for success to Not for Profit organisations. The second in the Essentials Series 2003…

Did You Know? Latest Stats on NFP’s

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th September 2003 -  The latest Australian Tax Office figures on Not for Profits offer an interesting insight into Third Sector. The ATO Compliance program 2003-4 says there are 700,000 NFP organisations,…

Sydney Closer to a Community Foundation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th September 2003 -  The establishment of a Sydney Community Foundation is moving closer to realisation following positive feedback from a feasibility study commissioned by Philanthropy Australia…

Spam & Anti-Virus Help

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th September 2003 -  Australia’s largest ISP provider, Telstra’s BigPond has launched a new service for its 1.43 million customers to provide protection against viruses and spam following…

People’s Choice – Volunteer Awards

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th September 2003 -  In 2003, the National Australia Banks Volunteer Awards have been extended so that communities can vote for their favourite volunteer group in the People’s Choice Award. The…

Working With Children – Victorian Legislation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th September 2003 -  The Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls is said to be driving the push for new legislation addressing protection issues relating to ‘working with children’, and…

Virtual Conferencing – Wired NGO’s

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th September 2003 -  A number of Australian organisations joined an international online community recently for a virtual conference geared specifically towards Not for Profits and socially responsible…

Australian Family & Community Strengths Conference

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th September 2003 -  Advertorial The 3rd Australian Family & Community Strengths Conference in NSW in November offers an exciting opportunity hear International and Australian researchers,…

Home Internet Use Still On The Rise

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th September 2003 -  The number of Australians accessing the Internet at home has steadily increased since 1998, rising from 13% of adults to 43% in 2002 according to the latest figures from the Australian…

ACOSS Submission on Charities Bill

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th September 2003 -  The ACOSS submission to the Board of Taxation on the draft Charities Bill claims the legislation contains unreasonable and unnecessary restrictions on the advocacy role of Australian…
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