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Gap Widens Between Rich & Poor – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd February 2004 -  The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) claims the results from a Roy Morgan Research poll of Australians show that the divide between rich and poor is growing. A new poll…

Disabilities & Contracts Research Project

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd February 2004 -  The Communications Law Centre in Victoria is investigating telecommunications contract situations involving people who have disabilities. The short research project is being…

Community Care Underwriting Agency Extends To VIC

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd February 2004 -  Community Care Underwriting Agency (CCUA) says it is now extending its public liability cover to Not for Profit organisations in Victoria. This follows recent legislative reform…

National Human Rights Conference

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd February 2004 -  A national human rights conference in Melbourne in February called “From Rhetoric to Reality” will provide an opportunity to engage with the practice of human rights…

Pro Bono Directory 2004

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th January 2004 -  The 2004 Pro Bono Australia Directory of Not for Profit Organisations is now being distributed to 50,000 solicitors, financial advisers, accountants and philanthropic trusts…

ePhilanthropy E-Tours Australia – Reminder

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th January 2004 -  The US Not for Profit ePhilanthropy Foundation is bringing its ePhilanthropy Training to Australia early in 2004. Pro Bono Australia is assisting the Foundation to promote the e-Tour…

Six Ways to Make Web Sites Donor Friendly

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th January 2004 -  A well-planned website can serve many important purposes for Not for Profit organisations. When online fundraising is a major goal, the website must be both secure and donor friendly…

Australian Product Challenges Offshore Market

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th January 2004 -  Public Liability Insurance Australian insurance giant Suncorp/GIO says it has a competitive, 100% Australian, public liability insurance product aimed specifically at the Not…

Volunteering – A Grassroots Resurgence!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th January 2004 -  One of Australia’s largest and longest established service clubs, Lions Australia, suggests that volunteering to assist the less needy in the community is experiencing a resurgence…

Young People Happy With Life

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th January 2004 -  Most of Australia’s young people consider themselves to be in good health and are satisfied with their quality of life, according to a report by the Australian Institute of…

Review of Disability Act

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th January 2004 -  Public Hearings Begin in 2004 Following the release of the Draft Report into the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 in October last year, the productivity Commission will hold…

Connecting Kids Board Game

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th January 2004 -  An innovative yet controversial board game which explores adolescent risk taking behaviours called ‘Big Night Out’, has been developed by Connecting Kids Company, formerly the…
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