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NOIE Internet Trends – The Current State of Play

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th March 2004 -  A growing majority of Australians use the Internet. The number of Internet subscribers rose to just over five million in the first quarter of 2003, an increase of 28% on the same period…

New Pratt Award for Cultural Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th March 2004 -  Billionaire businessman Richard Pratt is supporting a new award for leadership in cultural philanthropy, called the Artsupport Australia Philanthropy Leadership Award, as part…

International Women’s Day – honouring women

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th March 2004 -  International Women’s Day Honours Women with Disabilities It’s easy to reel off the names of influential women in Australia who are leaders in their field. For women…

Orchestrating Leadership

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th March 2004 -  Musical conductors are by definition leaders. But the Australian Youth Orchestra is about to embark on a special event – a leadership presentation by conductor, and internationally…

The Foundation Governance Project – US Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th March 2004 -  Part of a research project by the US Centre for Effective Philanthropy exploring the distinctive challenges and roles of foundation boards has targeted how CEO’s perceive…

Vacancy with Pro Bono Australia / Mahlab Group

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th March 2004 -  The Mahlab Group, incorporating Pro Bono Australia, is seeking a dynamic, experienced advertising sales person to work on our publications and website. This is an exciting position…

Freephones for Charity?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th March 2004 -  ‘Freephone’ numbers may be a misnomer once some national and local charities start bidding in a preferential online auction process later this year to get first dibs…

Not for Profit Sector Needs Reform – New Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st March 2004 -  The regulatory framework behind Australia’s Not for Profit sector is riddled with inconsistencies and is undermining an economically valuable sector, according to a new University…

Claiming As “Charity” Tax Deduction – How Much?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st March 2004 -  While we are discussing new ways of offering tax deduction incentives to donors, QUT’s Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies has analysed the latest stats on how much…

New Director for Legal Resource Centre

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st March 2004 -  John Corker, a man described as bringing ‘old’ experience and ‘new’ energy, has been appointed as the new Director of the National Pro Bono (Legal) Resource Centre. Corker has been…

Need Lists? Impact Lists – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st March 2004 -  Is your organisation looking for a new source of donors? Need new direct mail lists or e-mail fundraising lists? Impact Lists is a new company with both business and consumer lists…

Volunteer Small Equipment Grants 2004 – Reminder

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st March 2004 -  The Federal Government has announced funding for the Volunteer Small Equipment Grants 2004 to help Australia’s volunteers to carry on with their vital work… but the…
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