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Felton Bequest Turns 100!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th April 2004 -  The Centenary of the Felton Bequest has given Australians a golden opportunity to recognise philanthropy and to celebrate the good that comes from giving, according the Philanthropy…

Stronger Families Funding Round

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th April 2004 -  Applications are open for the first round of projects funded under the Federal Government’s $60 million Stronger Families and Communities Strategy Local Answers initiative.…

Government Refocus on IT Office

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th April 2004 -  As of this month the National Office for the Information Economy, NOIE is no more; its information and communications technology (ICT) services being divided between two government…

International Youth Parliament for Sydney

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th April 2004 -  Some 300 young people from across the world have been selected from over 2000 applicants to participate in the world’s second Oxfam International Youth Parliament 2004 to…

Community Way E-Megamarts – Future Fundraising!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th April 2004 -  It has taken almost two years for a couple of business entrepreneurs to launch Community Way! A concept aimed at giving Not for Profits a business model for successful fundraising.…

‘FreePhone’ Auction Update

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th April 2004 -  The Australian Communications Authority (ACA) has revised the dates for commencement of the online auction system for the FreePhones, 13, 1300 and 1800 phone numbers with the charities’…

Dining Out Street Smart Campaign – Update

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th April 2004 -  A campaign to raise funds from those who enjoy dining out has had its just deserts… and announced the rewards for those in need. In November and December last year some 15,000 diners…

Women’s Funding Grants

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th April 2004 -  National women’s non-government organisations are invited to apply for up to $50,000 in funding under the Australian Government’s 2004-05 Women’s Development…

Blind or Deaf Jurors?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th April 2004 -  Should people who are blind or deaf should be eligible to serve as jurors? The New South Wales Law Reform Commission has released a Discussion Paper which deals with this question.…

The Big Issue Celebrates Strategic Partnership

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th April 2004 -  The Big Issue, the magazine that assists the homeless and long-term unemployed, is celebrating its 200th edition in Australia as well as a strategic partnership in Victoria that…

Oxfam Youth Parliament

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th April 2004 -  To coincide with National Youth Week, 300 young people from across the world have been selected from over 2000 applicants to participate in the world’s second Oxfam International…

BSL’s “No Sweatshop” Ethical Business

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th April 2004 -  The Brotherhood of St. Laurence’s move into the textile manufacturing business is taking on a new venture producing “No SweatShop” Label corporate and fundraising…
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