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New Government Online Directory

Staff Reporter, Monday, 7th June 2004 -  The Australian public will have quicker and easier access to contact information for Australian Government organisations with the release of a new government directory website.…

The Myer Foundation – A Tradition of Giving

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th May 2004 -  A new book tracing 75 years of the philanthropic activities of the Victorian-based Myer Foundation describes the history of private philanthropy in Australia as having a limited…

Good Causes Attract Good Staff – New Study

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th May 2004 -  Companies wanting to attract and keep good staff can gain a competitive edge by supporting community or charitable causes that give their staff opportunities for involvement, a…

Arnott’s Brands Its Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th May 2004 -  The iconic multinational biscuit company, Arnott’s, has launched a Foundation to help Aussie families in need and to also brand its philanthropic efforts. Arnott’s has established…

Volunteering – Healthy? – New Study

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th May 2004 -  While there are many known benefits of volunteering, a new Australian study has found that donating your time and energy to projects may also be bad for your health! Researchers from…

Corporate Community Challenge

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th May 2004 -  Take the Challenge! The Corporate Community Challenge 2004–2005. The Australian Benchmarking Group is looking for 30 Australian companies to join a one-year program to improve…

Public Trust in Global Companies Recovering

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th May 2004 -  A recent global public opinion poll reveals that trust in global companies and national governments has rebounded to levels not seen since the start of 2001. The poll also reveals…

Volunteering – Healthy? – New Study

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th May 2004 -  While there are many known benefits of volunteering, a new Australian study has found that donating your time and energy to projects may also be bad for your health! Researchers from…

UK Unifies Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th May 2004 -  The volunteering sector in the UK has taken on a much more streamlined approach with the launch of Volunteering England. Embracing recent Government comments on volunteering the…

10th National Conference on Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th May 2004 -  Evolution, devolution or revolution? Experts will explore the role that volunteering will play in Australian society in the 21st century at next month’s 10th National Conference…

The Tax Office Looks at Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th May 2004 -  The Australian Tax Office has released an overview that explains the tax treatment of transactions that commonly occur between Not for Profit organisations and their volunteers.…

Not for Profit Leadership Summit – Advertorial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th May 2004 -  The Second Summit on Non Profit Leadership aims to attract board and executive members actively involved in the leadership of Third Sector organisations from the Asia Pacific region…
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