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Tag : Environment

Welfare and Enviro Groups Join Forces on Climate Change

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th April 2007 -  Australia’s welfare, climate and environment groups have joined forces to tackle climate change. Four national welfare, climate and environment organisations met in Melbourne…

New Enviro-Charity “Global Cool”

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd February 2007 -  In the UK, a new enviro-charity with the funky name of "Global Cool" has been launched with a star studded line up and a 10-year campaign to defeat global warming. Singer/songwriter…

FTSE4Good Adds New Climate Change Criteria

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd February 2007 -  The global index provider FTSE has launched a new set of criteria to offset climate change for its FTSE4Good Index series which could see many companies facing exclusion. FTSE4Good…

Corporate Toolkit to Manage Climate Change Risks

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd February 2006 -  Environment coalition Ceres and the Investor Network on Climate Risk have published a 24-page “toolkit” to help companies address the strategic and financial challenges associated…

Guidelines for Safer Communities

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th March 2003 -  No Australian community – large or small – is immune from the personal, social or economic hardship that happens when a disaster strikes. But we can prepare for emergencies…

World “Earth” Summit – Success or Failure?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 9th September 2002 -  Many Non Government Organisations around the world are declaring the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, or the Earth Summit as a failure. Leading the charge…

Australia Environmentally Backward!

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th August 2002 -  The World Summit on Sustainable Development may be only a few hours old but critics have claimed that Australia has lost significant ground in terms of its environmental policy and…

Bigfoot or Not?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th May 2002 -  Does Your Ecological Footprint Matter? There is only one Earth, and we all need it to live well. How can we be sure we don’t use more than nature can replace? Now there’s…

Centre for Environmental Leadership

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th February 2002 -  Conservation International and Ford Motor Company recently launched the Centre for Environmental Leadership in Business. Made possible through a
five-year, $25 million contribution…

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2001 -  The power of the Internet is about to show its full force against the US Bush administration if one Not for Profit organisation has its way. The UK based campaign organisation Ethical…

Care2 help the Environment

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th December 2000 -  Care 2 started out by offering e-mail greeting cards for every occasion for free….and every time you send the paperless greeting the Care2 sponsors make a donation to its save the trees…

Greenpeace Goes Shopping on the Net

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th November 2000 -  The international environment group Greenpeace has offered all manner of information on its ever-expanding Internet sites and web pages from fundraising tips, lobbying politicians,…
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