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Tag : Innovation

Twitter as a Conference Communication Tool

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st March 2011 -  Download the Twitter Guide for ACOSS 2011 here [PDF].  It seems that everywhere you look, someone is talking about twitter. The 24-hour news cycle and the public’s hunger…


Australian Of the Year Lists NFP’s Hot Issues

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th February 2011 -  Philanthropist, social entrepreneur and Australian of the Year, Simon McKeon has kicked off his newly raised public profile by outlining the top issues that he believes will shape…

Text Message Donors Will Give More: Survey

Staff Reporter, Friday, 4th February 2011 -  A US survey has found that donors pledging money via text message will donate again in the future, and are open to engaging with more traditional channels such as direct mail, email…

Help is in the Crowd for Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th October 2010 -  Financial management company, Matrix on Board has launched NonProfit Q&A, a crowdsourced information hub to provide answers and advice for the Not for Profit sector. The site…

Technology Developments in the Digital Economy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th August 2010 -  Smartphones are expected to drive significant future growth in mobile communications and further unlock major opportunities in the digital economy for innovative content and…

US Survey Reveals Widespread NFP Innovation

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th May 2010 -   A new Johns Hopkins University survey has revealed widespread innovation among US Not for Profits, as well as efforts by those organisations to measure their programs’…
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