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Tag : Yarra Trams

Community groups to be showcased on Melbourne’s iconic trams

Luke Michael, Thursday, 11th November 2021 -  These “wrapped” trams will operate on the network for about four months in 2022 Yarra Trams is giving six community organisations the opportunity to share their messaging on the world’s

$1 million of free tram advertising up for grabs

Contributor, Tuesday, 2nd July 2019 -  Australian charities and not for profits have the chance to decorate some of Melbourne’s iconic trams, with $1 million of free advertising up for grabs.  The 2020 Yarra Trams Community

NFPs to Share in $1 Million of Free Tram Advertising

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 29th August 2018 -  Not for profits have the chance to decorate some of Melbourne’s iconic trams, with $1 million of free advertising up for grabs. The 2019 Yarra Trams Community Partnerships Program
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