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Tag : Workforce

Predictions for 2022: Charities

Belinda Drew, Thursday, 10th February 2022 -  Looking ahead to the coming year, Belinda Drew, CEO of Community Services Industry Alliance, issues a call to action to the community sector to set a big agenda. The last decade has

What volunteering wants: For the voluntary workforce to be valued and invested in

Adrienne Picone, Tuesday, 30th April 2019 -  It is time for our political leaders to recognise the varying skills, abilities and value of Australia’s diverse volunteering community and appropriately invest and support this

Government Offers $10 Million in Grants to Grow NDIS Workforce

Luke Michael, Thursday, 22nd November 2018 -  The federal government is offering $10 million in grants to disability service providers with innovative ideas to grow the National Disability Insurance Scheme workforce. Applications

New Research Looks to Improve Disability Employment Rate

Luke Michael, Monday, 9th July 2018 -  A new study led by a researcher with lived experience of disability will investigate the workplace experiences of people who develop a physical disability mid-career. Paul Williamson

Predictions for 2018: NFP Recruitment

Richard Green, Tuesday, 30th January 2018 -  With good candidates in even shorter supply this year, NFPs will need to focus on improving employee retention and attraction strategies in 2018 writes NGO Recruitment director

High School Grads Need Commitment and Adaptability to Succeed at Work

Luke Michael, Friday, 15th December 2017 -  Australian high school students about to graduate have been encouraged to develop financial management skills, show commitment and demonstrate adaptability, in order to succeed

‘Learn From Our Mistakes’ – UK Expert Warns On Australian NDIS Transition

Lina Caneva, Monday, 28th August 2017 -  Drawing on the experience of the United Kingdom in delivering a social care approach similar to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), a high-profile UK analyst has urged

Report Warns on Age-Based Stereotypes in the Workforce

Lina Caneva, Friday, 21st July 2017 -  Public commentary and advocacy regarding older workers has often exaggerated their problems and made use of age-based stereotypes in efforts to overcome them, according to a new

Breakthrough Study Shines a Light on NFP Workforce

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 20th July 2017 -  From CEOs to frontline staff, employees and volunteers working in the not-for-profit sector are being encouraged to take part in a national breakthrough study that aims to provide

Age Discrimination in the Workplace Happening to People as Young as 45

Justine Irving, Friday, 28th April 2017 -  Older adults feel undervalued at work and are struggling to secure work due to age, writes University of South Australia researcher Justine Irving in this article which first appeared

The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

Kelly Vincent, Monday, 20th February 2017 -  One of the biggest barriers to people with disability getting a job is the culture of low expectation, writes Kelly Vincent MLC from Dignity Party. In Australia, 82 per cent of people

Wake Up Call As Employment Rates For People With Disability Go ‘Backwards’

Wendy Williams, Monday, 30th January 2017 -  A report showing employment rates for people with disability are going “backwards” should serve as a “wake up call” to the government, according to disability advocates. An annual
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