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Tag : Women's rights

What Australia thinks about Roe v Wade

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 1st July 2022 -  Advocates in Australia have called on governments to do more to ensure abortion is not only legal, but accessible. It was the decision that rocked the United States – but its ripples

The women’s march was a huge success. Now comes the hard part: how to actually get something done

Contributor, Thursday, 18th March 2021 -  Chris Wallace on some of the political realities we have to face in order to see real change happen. This week’s March 4 Justice protests saw tens of thousands of people take to the streets

Senators, the Social Sector, Sexual Harassment and Crowdfunding

Paul Carter, Monday, 16th July 2018 -  Sarah Hanson-Young is leading the crowdfunding race in her battle with fellow Senator David Leyonhjelm as financial supporters take sides in a rising debate likened to a #metoo moment


UN Set To Review Australia’s Record On Women’s Rights – And May Find it Wanting

Contributor, Saturday, 30th June 2018 -  We’re seeing little improvement on women’s rights and a concerning deterioration in some areas, write Maria Nawaz and Anna Cody from Kingsford Legal Centre, UNSW, in this article


Putting Women in the Driver’s Seat for Change

Lina Caneva, Monday, 21st August 2017 -  Michelle Higelin has taken on the top job of CEO of international anti-poverty organisation ActionAid Australia after four years as the organisation’s deputy executive director.

NFP Maps Illegal Brothels to Protect Women

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 20th October 2016 -  Not-for-profit organisation Project Respect is, for the first time, mapping the hundreds of illegal and unregistered brothels in Melbourne to protect women from exploitation.

Women Work Four More Years Than Men

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 23rd September 2016 -  Women globally are working an average of four years longer than men over their lifetime, largely due to women’s additional unpaid housework and care work. The ActionAid report, Not
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