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Tag : Will

My Story – Maria da Graca Guerreiro

Contributor, Tuesday, 30th July 2019 -  Rita Mu speaks with Maria da Graca Guerreiro about why she chose to leave money to ChildFund in her will and how she is hoping her own decision will inspire others to do the same. Having

Australians Urged to Give a Gift to Charities in Their Will

Luke Michael, Friday, 8th September 2017 -  A coalition of almost 100 charities will be teaming up next week, to encourage more Australians to leave a gift in their will. Include a Charity week (from the 11 to 17 September), is…

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Trends in Will Making Good for NFPs?

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 9th June 2015 -  The recent release of a comprehensive, four-year study into trends in Will making and Will disputes in Australia provides important insights for Not for Profits in planning their…

Generational ‘Legacy Gap’ Huge – US Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd December 2010 -  With an expected wealth transfer of more than $US25 trillion, complex family structures, and an expanding retiree segment, only one-quarter of baby boomers have discussed legacy…
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