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Tag : Voluntourism

How to volunteer, not ‘voluntour’

Contributor, Monday, 4th November 2019 -  The pitfalls of orphanage volunteering are well-known but there are many other ways international volunteer experiences can unwittingly do more harm than good.  When considering

Aussies urged to think before they give

Luke Michael, Monday, 17th June 2019 -  Australian donors are putting children at risk of harm by supporting overseas projects without applying proper scrutiny, a child protection expert warns.   Leigh Mathews, the

Power to the Hosts: How to Fix Volunteer Tourism

Contributor, Wednesday, 18th April 2018 -  Dr Pascal Scherrer and Jessica Steele explore how “the feel-good darling of tourism” became so tarnished and how it can be fixed, in this article which was first published in The Conversation.

Government Launches Campaign to Stop Orphanage Tourism

Luke Michael, Friday, 2nd March 2018 -  The federal government has launched a new campaign to discourage Australians from engaging in misleading overseas volunteer programs, which are contributing to child exploitation

Moves to Stop Volunteering at Overseas Orphanages

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 13th September 2017 -  The push to stop Australians supporting and volunteering at overseas orphanages is gathering momentum, after a major volunteer travel company agreed to end its association with

NFP Calls For Action On Growing ‘Orphanage Tourism’ Industry

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 2nd August 2017 -  Well-intentioned Australian tourists, including many students, are inadvertently contributing to the growth of the orphanage ‘industry’ and subsequent exploitation of children…

Responsible Voluntourism Campaign to “End Humanitarian Douchery”

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 28th April 2015 -  An international campaign using humour to raise awareness of the “dark side” of voluntourism is gaining traction. The “End Humanitarian Douchery” campaign…
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