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Tag : Vollie

How online volunteering can help jobseekers upskill

Luke Michael, Monday, 7th September 2020 -  We take a look at the benefits of virtual volunteering for jobseekers stuck at home during COVID-19    The coronavirus pandemic has put thousands of Australians out of work and forced

Is coronavirus reshaping volunteering?

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 21st April 2020 -  The volunteering sector has taken a massive hit during COVID-19. We take a look at what that means for the future of the sector. The outbreak of COVID-19 has left an enormous workforce

Vollie Presents the Rotary Youth Forum 2019

Ellie Nikakis, Thursday, 8th November 2018 -  In 2019, the Victorian Rotary Club is shaking things up for young people who want to make a difference, writes Ellie Nikakis from Vollie. Presented by online volunteering marketplace

Recruiting Online Volunteers to Champion Your Cause

Ellie Nikakis, Thursday, 16th August 2018 -  Vollie, General Assembly and have teamed up for a free workshop to help not for profits recruit an online army, writes Ellie Nikakis from Vollie. In a landscape so oversaturated

Four Ways You Can Change the World Immediately

Matthew Boyd, Tuesday, 4th April 2017 -  While one third of Australians volunteer it’s tougher these days to answer the question “what have I done to change the world”, writes Matt Boyd from online volunteer enterprise Vollie

Skilled Volunteers Make A Wish Come True

Wendy Williams, Friday, 20th January 2017 -  A move towards skills-based project volunteering is making wishes come true. In a bid to create a “pirate princess” costume for a child with a life-threatening medical condition,
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