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Tag : United States

US Withdraws from Human Rights Council

Wendy Williams, Monday, 25th June 2018 -  The United States has withdrawn from the United Nations Human Rights Council accusing it of a “chronic bias” against Israel. The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, made the

1938, Foreign Agents and Government Paranoia

David Crosbie, Tuesday, 27th March 2018 -  Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie looks at the sneaky foreign agents acting on behalf of foreign principals in Australia and the legacy of the Foreign Agents Registration

Philanthropy Outlook Predicts Charitable Giving Growth

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st January 2016 -  A new report into the changing face of philanthropy and giving trends in the United States  predicts that 2016 and 2017 will deliver positive outcomes for Not for Profits, with…

US Philanthropy Goes Outback

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 -  The CEO of the United States travel company Collette, Dan Sullivan Jr, said corporate philanthropists in Australia and the US “don’t do enough”, during his recent…

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Top Tips on E-Newsletters

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 30th September 2014 -  US Not for Profit technology guru Heather Mansfield has given her top 10 tips for creating the best and most effective e-newsletters. Despite the rapid rise of social media, more online…

New ‘Dip to Donate’ Technology

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 18th September 2014 -  A new piece of ‘giving’ technology could change the way that people make donations to charities, with tin-rattling coin collectors a possible thing of the past. With…


Relieving Poverty in Paradise

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th August 2014 -  A peace corps trip gone awry resulted in a new adventure for a young American upstart – in the form of a fledgling social enterprise on the holiday island of Bali, writes Nadia

Religious Influences on Giving

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 26th November 2013 -  New US research demonstrates that most household giving goes to organisations with religious ties, whether to congregations or to religiously identified charitable organisations.…

Investment Bank Launches Social Impact Fund

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th November 2013 -  Global investment banking firm Goldman Sachs has launched a $250 million social impact fund – one of the first US impact investing vehicles to be sponsored by a major financial…

US Charity CEO Pay On the Rise

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th October 2013 -  In the US a typical charity Chief Executive Officer has received a 2.5 per cent pay raise in the last year and on average earns $A132,000 in take-home pay, according to charity evaluator,…

Education an Employment Boost for Prisoners

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th August 2013 -  New US research has strengthened the link between prison education and the post-release employment prospects of prisoners. Employment after release was 13% higher among prisoners…
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