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Tag : Trends

As Donors and as Causes, Women are Taking the Lead in Philanthropy

Kate Pew Wolters, Thursday, 7th March 2019 -  The movement we are seeing today of women as leaders and funders is the outcome of decades of women’s leadership in philanthropy, not a sudden phenomenon brought about by political


Powering Communities While Protecting Individuals

Erica Czaja, Thursday, 28th February 2019 -  The trend of making increasingly granular data publicly available for community use simultaneously raises important questions about individuals’ rights to privacy, writes Erica

The Boundaries are Blurring Between Philanthropy and Business

Michael Moody, Thursday, 21st February 2019 -  Philanthropy is increasingly adopting business means, while business is increasingly pursuing philanthropic ends – a trend which is likely to continue and expand, writes Michael

Predictions for 2019: Social Media

Richenda Vermeulen, Tuesday, 22nd January 2019 -  Richenda Vermeulen offers five social media predictions for not for profits in 2019, as part of a series of 2019 predictions from leading experts across the social sector. Happy January!

US Thought Leaders Predict Philanthropy Trends for 2018

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 8th February 2018 -  2018 is set to be the year of giving more by giving together and will see the rise of the most significant generation of philanthropists in history, according to US experts who have identified

Sector Trends: Stories From the Frontline

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th February 2017 -  Dramatic shifts in the social sector landscape are challenging not for profits to explore new ways of driving change. Against this backdrop, Social Ventures Australia and Pro Bono

Charity Merger Review

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 21st August 2014 -  A review of charity merger trends in the UK has found that health and social Not for Profits make up the majority of mergers, with mental health and disability organisations showing…

Online Fundraising Up – NFP Benchmark Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th April 2014 -  Monthly online giving to Not for Profits is up by 25 per cent with emails now accounting for one third of a charity’s online fundraising, according to an extensive benchmarking…



A Reflection: Collective Impact in Australia – 12 Months On

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th December 2013 -  Buzz, backbone leadership and data sourcing are the pressing issues as Australian social change advocates Dawn O’Neil AM and Kerry Graham share their reflections on the year

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Top Trends for the Social Sector 2013

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th January 2013 -  As we launch into 2013, Pro Bono Australia founder, Karen Mahlab, says that if there is any sector undergoing huge transformation it’s the social sector. After a busy year of


The Shape of the Sector in 2012

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 4th January 2012 -  2012 looks to be a defining year for the Not for Profit, social enterprise and philanthropic sector, and in this post from the CSI Blog, Gina Anderson outlines why she is looking forward

Future of Social Networks – What it Means for Community Change

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th April 2011 -  A new US report aims to help funders consider how to use social networks to foster community change. The US report looks at the rapidly changing way people use technology and the proliferation…
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