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Tag : Superannuation

Australian Ethical Super and Christian Super finalise merger

Samantha Freestone, Thursday, 14th July 2022 -  Christian Super chair says the fund’s purpose-driven approach aligns with Ethical Super’s investment values. Australian Ethical Super has signed a Successor Fund Transfer deed

Why Nicole Haddow wrote The Ethical Investor

Nikki Stefanoff, Tuesday, 1st March 2022 -  In her second book The Ethical Investor: How to Quit Toxic Companies and Grow Your Wealth, journalist Nicole Haddow takes us through how we can put our money where our ethics are.  In

Superannuation: A critical tool for social progress

Helen Steel, Tuesday, 6th August 2019 -  Our super can function as a powerful lever to not only contribute to the simultaneous health and wealth of our nation, but to incentivise purpose-led business more broadly, writes

Mobile finance program to reunite Indigenous owners with lost super

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 3rd June 2019 -  A finance program will tour through the Northern Territory and Western Australia to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders reunite with superannuation they might have never

Housing-Related Superannuation Measures

Lina Caneva, Monday, 24th July 2017 -  The federal government is calling for public submissions on its draft legislation on new housing-related superannuation measures announced in the 2017-18 budget. The government…

Calls for Super ‘Splitting’ for WA De Facto Couples

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 20th July 2017 -    Community superannuation fund HESTA and the Western Australian welfare sector are calling on the WA government to change the Family Law Act to allow de facto couples to split

Calls for Family Violence Victims to Access Super

Wendy Williams, Monday, 19th June 2017 -  Victims and survivors of family violence should be able to access their superannuation as a “band aid” measure, according to industry superfund HESTA which is calling for “urgent

ACOSS Urges Super Changes for Low Income Earners

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 17th August 2016 -  Welfare peak body, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has urged the federal government to double the proposed tax offset for people on low incomes to deliver better…

New NFP Model Could Unlock $1.5 Trillion in Super for Affordable Housing

Wendy Williams, Friday, 29th July 2016 -  A new initiative for financing affordable housing in Australia could see Not for Profit community housing providers unlock $1.5 trillion in superannuation. Housing and finance
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