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Tag : RMIT

(Ad)dressing disability: the importance of accessible fashion

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 19th September 2022 -  A designer with lived experience of disability says it’s time the fashion industry became more inclusive and universal. A Melbourne-based fashion designer is using her lived experience

Australian team creates concrete made from car tyres 

Samantha Freestone, Monday, 15th August 2022 -  New research shows a cleaner, greener way to create roads and infrastructure. Engineers at the Royal Melbourne Institute for Technology (RMIT) in Melbourne have created 100 per

Pregnant women experiencing homelessness left in the lurch

Luke Michael, Friday, 6th March 2020 -  Experts say pregnancy is a key period to help vulnerable women turn their lives around Parts of Victoria’s housing and homelessness service systems are failing to prioritise the

What Marketers Can Do to Raise the Bar for NFPs

Contributor, Tuesday, 6th February 2018 -  Not for profits can reap big from a solid marketing strategy. Here are five strategies that you can apply to raise the bar. Not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) pursue various causes

An Unholy Mess – Lifting the Lid on the Catholic Church and Child Sex Abuse

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 13th September 2017 -  A ground-breaking research study has analysed the reasons why the abuse of children has plagued the Catholic Church in Australia and worldwide – examining what it describes as the…

Study of UK Public Housing Helping Put Australia On Track

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 29th March 2017 -  Australia has a lot to learn from the UK experience of transferring public housing estates to not-for-profit providers, according to new research. A new study has painted a picture

A Full Cup of Fair

Staff Reporter, Monday, 5th December 2016 -  Melanie Lazelle, who was a recipient of RMIT’s 2015 Sustainability Seedlings Funding for her project highlighting RMIT’s impact as a Fairtrade University, writes about her fairtrade

Victoria Invests in Social Service Change

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th November 2016 -  The Victorian Government is investing in the future of social services, with new funding to support a leading research and teaching institute at RMIT University. The Future Social

The Design Turn: Searching for Public Value in Policy

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st October 2016 -  Dr Sharon Andrews, program manager of RMIT’s Master of Public Policy, discusses how policymakers are looking to design to innovate policy development and adequately address social

Collaboration Delivers Australian ‘Social Sector Institute’

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 15th June 2016 -  A government, tertiary institution and Not for Profit collaboration has established an education training institute for the social services sector, which has been described as…

More Than a Million Aussies Forced to Sleep Rough

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 6th October 2015 -  A “staggering” 1.4 million Australians, or 7.8 per cent of the population, have been forced to sleep rough at some stage in their life, research from RMIT University…
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