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Tag : Reporting

Improving your social impact reporting

Kevin Robbie, Monday, 29th May 2023 -  For-purpose organisations exist to create impact or social value. Mainly they are creating social value for people. Yet the uptake of reporting on impact or social value can be described

Directors’ obligations this reporting season

Travis Rickard, Thursday, 10th September 2020 -  Travis Rickard from HLB Mann Judd shares some of the points boards need to consider for 30 June financial reports in light of the uncertain future facing many organisations today.  

Why now is an ideal time for some reporting housekeeping

Ben Fock, Tuesday, 4th August 2020 -  As organisations turn their attention to the new revenue and leasing standards, they have an opportunity to review and improve the overall content and presentation of their financial

Welfare groups wary of Centrelink reporting changes

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 29th January 2020 -  The Morrison government expects to save $2.1 billion from the new measure Anti-poverty advocates fear plans to change Centrelink income reporting for welfare recipients may cause

Still reporting on spreadsheets? Uncover the power of your data with Antares’ Discovery Workshop

Contributor, Thursday, 28th March 2019 -  Antares’ Discovery Workshop helps organisations realise the power of their own data so they can start the digital transformation journey that meets their specific needs. All not

Reports of Abuse to UK Charity Watchdog on the Rise

Luke Michael, Monday, 22nd October 2018 -  The UK Charity Commission says it is concerned about systemic underreporting of incidents by charities, despite receiving more than 2,000 reports of serious abuse in just seven

Victoria Takes ‘Exciting Step’ to Reduce Red Tape for Charities

Wendy Williams, Friday, 8th June 2018 -  The path to one stop reporting for Australian not for profits has moved a step closer with the announcement thousands of Victorian charities will benefit from new streamlined reporting

Lack of Funding to Measure Outcomes Leaves WA Charities in ‘Catch 22’ Situation

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 18th July 2017 -  More than 30 per cent of charities in Western Australia are failing to measure their outcomes, according to a new report which reveals community sector organisations are being “hamstrung”


Not For Profits Join LBG Corporate Members to Measure and Manage Partnerships

Contributor, Tuesday, 6th June 2017 -  A new program delivering a framework for not-for-profit organisations to use in reporting back to corporate partners, measuring impact and developing strategic partnerships

Reporting Change a Big Burden for Small Charities

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 29th September 2015 -  A proposed change to the way Not for Profits recognise income in financial reporting will be too complex and costly for smaller NFPs to implement, a leading advisor to the sector has…
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