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Tag : Renting

Queensland housing market in free-fall as question of legacy arises

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 16th January 2023 -  The rental market in Queensland is in crisis, just a decade out from one of the world’s largest sporting events. As the 2032 Olympics creep closer — and as the Queensland state government

Australia could reap billions in benefits if we fix housing: report

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 17th August 2022 -  A cost-benefit analysis has proven the worth of fixing the nation’s critical shortage of social and affordable housing. Every dollar invested in social and affordable housing could

Australians With Disability Twice as Likely to be Evicted Without Cause

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 5th December 2018 -  People with disability who rent are almost twice as likely to experience a “no-grounds” eviction compared with other Australians, new research shows.    A report by Choice, National

Housing Stress Increases for Social Housing Renters

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 31st July 2018 -  Housing stress has increased considerably among renters of social housing, new research shows, renewing calls from the social sector for more affordable housing and a national

Rental Reforms Benefit Low-Income Renters

Luke Michael, Monday, 9th October 2017 -  The Victorian government has unveiled sweeping new rental laws across the state, which social service advocates say will especially benefit low-income renters. The Andrews Labor
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