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Tag : Pitch

What are media looking for, and how can we best deliver it?

Jodie Artis, Thursday, 12th December 2019 -  In this week’s Collective Insights column, The Xfactor Collective specialist member Jodie Artis shares some media relations expert insights in this her 20th anniversary year helping

How do you capture the hearts and minds of potential funders?

Contributor, Thursday, 28th November 2019 -  The Xfactor Collective specialist member Sue Vittori offers tips on how to give your organisation a winning edge in funding submissions, in the weekly Collective Insights column.

Social Innovators Gain the Competitive Edge

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th December 2013 -  Innovation for social change has become a competitive arena – and it’s reaping rewards.  A new wave of competitions for social startups has hit what is traditionally…
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