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Tag : Not For Profits

Exclusive: Parliamentary Friends of Charities reveals priorities for the year

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 20th February 2023 -  Pro Bono News can exclusively reveal the members of the new group, which promises to be a listening friend to the sector. Co-founders of the Parliamentary Friends of the Charitable,

ATO cracks down on NFP misconduct

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 6th February 2023 -  A minority of NFPs are dodging their tax obligations, and the ATO has them in its sights. The ATO has warned not for profits to take their tax obligations seriously, after an increase

Profitability down, as demand for directors’ skills ramps up

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 1st February 2023 -  Directors are dedicating more time to meeting their board responsibilities. Directors’ skills are in demand on not for profit boards, a new report reveals. And not for profit directors

‘Civic-minded’ Smith sets shadow charities agenda

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 11th July 2022 -  The senator said he understood that the charity sector has felt under attack in recent years and wouldn’t say whether he considered the war on charities to be over, asking charities

Leigh faces the sector’s concerns

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 16th May 2022 -  Ahead of this week’s federal election, Pro Bono News sat down with shadow assistant minister for charities Andrew Leigh to put some of the sector’s concerns – raised in our recent election

Politicians front up for charity sector

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 13th May 2022 -  While all major parties were invited to be part of the panel, there was one glaring absence. Politicians have made their pitch to the sector in a pre-election panel at the 2022 Connecting

Rediscovering not for profit ‘superpowers’ for the challenges ahead

Doug Taylor, Monday, 18th April 2022 -  How can we think about the future unless we know why we exist, who we are and what’s come before, asks Doug Taylor, in the first in a four-part series on how NFPs can look to the past to guide

Want more donations? Prioritise brand awareness

David Toporzisek, Monday, 14th March 2022 -  If you’re asking people to donate to your NFP before they are aware of your brand, you may need to rethink your approach, writes David Toporzisek, performance marketing manager at

Dog and Bone Impact Grants closing soon

Contributor, Thursday, 10th March 2022 -  Dog and Bone has extended the closing date for its first Impact Grant round for 2022. Apply by 18 March 2022.  We launched the $120,000 annual grants program as part of our commitment

Developing sustainable and high impact NFPs for Indigenous Australians

Adam Davids, Monday, 1st March 2021 -  Aboriginal non-profit leader and Fulbright Scholar, Adam Davids offers insights for Indigenous not for profits by drawing on the experience of successful racial minority-serving

A mixed budget for the sector

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 8th October 2020 -  Bruce Argyle, head of the Not-for-Profit Specialist team at Bendigo Bank, reflects on what we saw, and what we did not see, in the federal budget. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented

Swift action is key to turning struggling not for profits around

Mitch Griffiths, Tuesday, 25th August 2020 -  Mitch Griffiths, from turnaround and insolvency firm Rapsey Griffiths, has seen first-hand the financial struggles not for profits face. But he says it’s possible to turn things
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