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Tag : NGO Recruitment

Top transferrable skills for your fundraising career

Lois Freeke, Wednesday, 24th May 2023 -  Looking for a career change? Job seekers with transferrable skills could be considered attractive in the fundraising sector, says NGO Recruitment’s Lois Freeke. Fundraising…

Using your experience at a large NFP to your advantage

Lois Freeke, Friday, 14th April 2023 -  Working for a large international charity isn’t always a positive when it comes to looking for a new job. NGO Recruitment’s Lois Freeke explains how to make the transition process

Philanthropy backs Voice

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 27th February 2023 -  Philanthropic funding will be crucial to the yes and no campaigns in the absence of public funding. The Yes campaign for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament is getting a boost, with

Here’s how you can cold email a candidate (the right way)

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 12th June 2020 -  We take a look at three things you need to think about before hitting send  Sometimes, the right person for a job, doesn’t always know it themselves.  This is where, as a recruiter, your

Why now is the perfect time to upskill

Luke Michael, Monday, 4th May 2020 -  We take a look at how you can make the most of self-isolation and progress in your career through upskilling The COVID-19 pandemic has kept Australians locked in self-isolation and

Three ways to avoid overworking yourself

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 22nd November 2019 -  We’ve all been there. The clock hits five and you should be heading out the door to go home, but that unfinished pile of work is glaring up at you. But how can you stop this from becoming

Time for a pay rise? This is how you ask for it.

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 2nd September 2019 -  The “money” chat with your manager can be awkward, especially if you’re working for a charity with not a lot to spare. But remuneration for your hard work is important, and sometimes

Dear Jobseeker: Do you think your cover letter is boring? This might help.

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 28th June 2019 -  Getting your cover letter right could set you up for nailing down a great job. We asked Lisa Morell, chief associate from NGO Recruitment, for her five hot tips on writing a letter that

How to build a respected brand in under 15 years

Hedgie Gundry, Friday, 26th April 2019 -  Coinciding with NGO Recruitment’s 15th anniversary, Hedgie Gundry sits down with founder Richard Green to discuss what led him to finding a career in the NFP sector, and the challenges

NFP Sector Faces Growing Fundraiser Shortage

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 11th December 2018 -  A not-for-profit recruitment expert warns that a growing demand for fundraising skills within the sector has created a shortage of fundraisers expected to persist into 2019.  


How to Find the Right Mix Of Skills at Board Level to Drive Success

Richard Green, Monday, 28th May 2018 -  Not for profits are struggling to find the right mix of skills at board level writes NGO Recruitment director Richard Green, who offers five steps to recruit the right board for your


Top Tips For Young People Entering the NFP Sector

Richard Green, Friday, 13th April 2018 -  With Youth Week celebrations taking place around the country, NGO Recruitment director Richard Green offers his top tips for young people considering a career in the not-for-profit
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