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Tag : Mental illness

Why fundraising can create a perfect storm for mental health issues

Luke Michael, Friday, 26th February 2021 -  Fundraising leaders say COVID-19 has put mental health in the spotlight  Fundraising organisations need to create a strong culture of acceptance and openness to ensure people with

NDIS struggling to accommodate people with psychosocial disability

Luke Michael, Monday, 7th October 2019 -  People with severe mental health issues are having their National Disability Insurance Scheme funding cut because the system does not account for the episodic nature of psychosocial

NDIS issues putting a strain on the mental health system

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 24th September 2019 -  Australian governments must work together to ensure people with severe mental health issues who are ineligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme can use psychosocial

People with severe mental illness left behind in NDIS transition

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 16th April 2019 -  Only a quarter of people in Commonwealth-funded mental health programs set to close in 2020 have successfully transitioned to the National Disability Insurance Scheme, new research

Changing the political narrative this election

Michelle Blanchard, Tuesday, 16th April 2019 -  It’s time we stopped using mental illness as a political insult, writes SANE Australia acting CEO Dr Michelle Blanchard, in this article explaining the importance of taking The #StigmaPledge.

Mental Illness a Leading Cause of Disability for Australian Women

Luke Michael, Friday, 9th March 2018 -  Mental illness is a leading cause of disability for women in Australia, and social factors are putting women at a higher risk of experiencing anxiety and depression than men, a prominent

Early Intervention Needed To Reduce Youth Homelessness And Mental Illness

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 3rd August 2017 -  Mission Australia has called for urgent action to address youth homelessness and youth mental illness following its annual survey that revealed the impact of family breakdown on…

Campaign Shows Jobs Change Lives

Wendy Williams, Monday, 27th March 2017 -  The ability for jobs to change lives, particular for young people, is the ethos behind a new campaign that will see a disability employment service donate $500 for every job placement

Concerns People With Mental Illness Could Fall Through Gap of NDIS

Wendy Williams, Monday, 9th January 2017 -  The not-for-profit sector is calling for urgent action amid concerns people living with a mental illness could “fall through the gaps” as the National Disability Insurance Scheme


As Sure As Jesus Wore Sandals, You Will Know Someone With a Mental Illness

Dameyon Bonson, Thursday, 8th September 2016 -  One in five Australians has a mental illness, so chances are you will know someone who is affected. You might even do business with one of us, writes Dameyon Bonson, a Kimberley-based
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