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Tag : International Development

How I built a career in gender and international development

Contributor, Monday, 3rd February 2020 -  Volunteering overseas kick-started Simone Condon’s career in both international development and gender. But what is the role of gender in international development? And how can

Is genuine leadership ‘lacking’ or is a new kind of leadership needed?

Contributor, Thursday, 9th May 2019 -  The upcoming RDI Conference 2019 will examine leadership for inclusive development to support the sector develop as it looks to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. It’s been


Putting Women in the Driver’s Seat for Change

Lina Caneva, Monday, 21st August 2017 -  Michelle Higelin has taken on the top job of CEO of international anti-poverty organisation ActionAid Australia after four years as the organisation’s deputy executive director.

Understanding How to Change the World

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 20th April 2017 -  Pro Bono News talks to Oxfam Great Britain senior strategic adviser Dr Duncan Green about his latest book, what attracted him to international development and how we can all change


Start as You Mean to Carry On

Wendy Williams, Monday, 13th March 2017 -  Sally Moyle is the chief executive of CARE Australia, an international humanitarian organisation which fights global poverty, with a special focus on working with women and girls.

Public Support Grows for International Aid in the Face of Isolationism

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 14th February 2017 -  Australian values of “a fair go” and equity for those “doing it tough” are standing strong in the face of a “global trend of eroding trust”, according to a new report which reveals public

Most Australians Have No Idea Extreme Poverty Has Halved

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 23rd September 2016 -  Over the past two decades the number of people living in extreme poverty has more than halved, but 89 per cent of Australians believe the problem has stayed the same or worsened. The

Government to Appoint Ambassador for Disability Inclusive Development

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th July 2013 -  The Federal Government is to appoint an ambassador for Disability-Inclusive Development to advocate for people with disability in developing countries to have equal access and…

New International Development Portfolio in Cabinet Re-Shuffle

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2013 -  Several baton changes and the creation of a new portfolio announced in Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's new ministerial line up are likely to impact on the Not for Profit sector. The…

Vocations in Aid Conference

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th November 2012 -  Do you have a love of travel and want to make a difference? Want to use your skills to assist and exchange with others? Interested in developing a global career? … then international…

2012 Aid Transparency Index

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th October 2012 - 
Photo: An international advocacy organisation campaigning for aid transparency has rated Australia 18th on the global Transparency Index. The Publish What You Fund’s…

The Highs and Lows of International Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th December 2011 -  Being an international aid worker is an aspiration for many – there is the exotic location, immersion into a new culture and the good feeling of helping a developing community.…
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