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Tag : Integrity

Predictions for 2022: Impact investing

Abhilash Mudaliar, Thursday, 27th January 2022 -  To kick off our series of predictions for the coming year, Abhilash Mudaliar, chief portfolio officer at the Paul Ramsay Foundation, shares two predictions and two wishes for impact

Culture wars: Do you really think you can change the culture of your not for profit?

Oliver May, Monday, 9th December 2019 -  Cultural change is possible, writes Oliver May, but many of us need to think again about the “how”. The last two months feel like they were all about fraud, fraud, fraud. October saw

Conflict avoidance: How effectively is your charity managing conflicts of interest?

Oliver May, Tuesday, 8th October 2019 -  Oliver May asks whether your charity should be concerned about conflicts of interest, and what it can do about them. Of all aspects of integrity in the Australian charity sector, “conflicts
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