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Tag : Gary Johns

Rebooting the ACNC

David Crosbie, Thursday, 30th June 2022 -  When it comes to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission, what is needed now is not wholesale changes to what was a very successful organisation, but a reset of culture

Leigh faces the sector’s concerns

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 16th May 2022 -  Ahead of this week’s federal election, Pro Bono News sat down with shadow assistant minister for charities Andrew Leigh to put some of the sector’s concerns – raised in our recent election

2018 a top year for charities

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 27th May 2020 -  The charities commission has released the latest data on Australian charities   The head of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission says charities were in a “strong

Predictions for 2020: Charities

Dr Gary Johns, Monday, 10th February 2020 -  Charities can expect transparency, fundraising regulation, wealth transfers and innovation to come under the spotlight as we move into the 2020s, writes Dr Gary Johns, commissioner

Government response to ACNC review ‘coming soon’

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 3rd September 2019 -  The sector could have to wait until next year for a response to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission review, says the assistant minister for charities. In an interview

ACNC commissioner reveals CLASSIE new marketplace for charities

David Crosbie, Monday, 5th August 2019 -  The charity sector does not need new regulations or standards, just good information, says Dr Gary Johns, who announced the new ACNC Charity Marketplace will commence on 1 July 2020. 

Charity report criticised for missing detail

David Crosbie, Tuesday, 21st May 2019 -  The significantly shorter length of the Australian Charities Report has copped criticism from sector advocates, with some describing it as a “superficial overview” of the 47,000

Setting the record straight

Dr Gary Johns, Tuesday, 26th March 2019 -  Commissioner of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) Dr Gary Johns explains the purpose of the ACNC’s exploration of the act’s second object. Our Measures

Minister Rejects Charity Boss’s Claim That Acknowledgement of Country May Signal Bias

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 7th November 2018 -  The Indigenous Affairs Minister, Nigel Scullion, has dismissed claims by the the head of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, Dr Gary Johns, that including

ACNC Website Gets a Revamp

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 15th October 2018 -  The updated Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission website is being met with positive feedback from the sector, after a four day website closure to fix speed and accessibility

Victoria Takes ‘Exciting Step’ to Reduce Red Tape for Charities

Wendy Williams, Friday, 8th June 2018 -  The path to one stop reporting for Australian not for profits has moved a step closer with the announcement thousands of Victorian charities will benefit from new streamlined reporting

ACNC Head Defends Decision to Go It Alone in the Senate

Wendy Williams, Friday, 1st June 2018 -  The head of the national charity regulator has defended his “absurd” decision to appear alone before Senate Estimates. Commonwealth agency heads are called to Canberra three times
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