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Tag : Donating

Donating in a humanitarian crisis: What donors should know

Jocelyn Condon, Tuesday, 4th February 2020 -  Jocelyn Condon from ACFID shines a light on what donors can expect to know about how donations are spent and why speed is not always the best indicator of money well-spent. In recent

Community Foundation Embraces Savvy Giving

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th November 2013 -  The funds under management of one of Australia’s oldest and largest community foundations, the Australian Communities Foundation, has grown by more than 16 per cent to $45…

Aussies Prefer the Hump Day to Give

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st November 2013 -  New research reveals Australians use “giving” to beat the weekday blues and they feel most inspired on Wednesdays. An analysis by global online giving platform, JustGiving

Too Many Facebook Friends Bad News For Charities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th August 2012 -  New research suggests the more friends people have on Facebook, the less likely they are to share information about charitable causes. UK Economist Professor Kimberley Scharf,…

Website Keeps an Eye on the US Giving Pledge

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 8th August 2012 -  A new US website is keeping an eye on the Giving Pledge – an effort spearheaded by Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates to urge America’s wealthiest to commit the majority…

NFP And Individuals Have Roles In The Future Of Social Change

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th July 2012 -    Only 20 per cent of adults, on average, say they’re more likely to donate money to a cause or an organisation when economic conditions are bad, according to new US report.…

What Pushes Aussies to Support Good Causes?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th June 2012 - 
A report has shown that Aussies are less likely to take action unless it impacts them directly A global survey reveals that Australians are less likely to take action to support good…

Charity Stamp Offers Tax Deductible Fundraising

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th June 2012 -  Australia Post has released of a charity stamp to help raise funds for singing legend Olivia Newton-John ‘s new Cancer & Wellness Centre in Melbourne, offering tax deductibility…
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