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Tag : Digital Transformation Hub

Making the most of digital marketing in the not-for-profit sector

David Spriggs, Friday, 22nd April 2022 -  David Spriggs shares a few things to consider to help you get started with your digital marketing. Your organisation’s online presence has never been more important. According to

Fit for purpose information systems key to better understanding outcomes across the NFP sector

David Spriggs, Wednesday, 24th November 2021 -  The importance of effective information systems across the not-for-profit sector cannot be understated, with only 38 per cent of organisations indicating that their primary system

Digital Transformation Hub to help NFPs thrive amid COVID-19 disruptions

Luke Michael, Friday, 19th February 2021 -  The hub will be funded by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and Gandel Philanthropy      With the COVID-19 pandemic exposing major technology challenges for many not for profits,
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