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Tag : Daniel Petre

Australia’s mega-rich don’t give enough: report

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 29th August 2022 -  As top-end earnings rise, giving is not keeping pace, prompting questions around how to increase donations from high net worth individuals. Australia lags behind its international

Petre Benchmark Encourages Greater Giving From Australia’s Most Wealthy

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 8th May 2018 -  The test of true philanthropy is how much it hurts or impacts your life as a donor, according to  businessman and philanthropist Daniel Petre, who has unveiled a formula to encourage

Forty US Families Take ‘Giving Pledge’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th August 2010 -  Forty of the wealthiest families and individuals in the United States have committed to returning the majority of their wealth to charitable causes by taking the 'Giving Pledge'…
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