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Tag : Culture

What’s your work personality?

Jonathan Alley, Thursday, 12th May 2022 -  We know workplaces are often diverse. But how much do we think about our own individual professional personality? The job market is undergoing its most fundamental changes in some

Why fundraising can create a perfect storm for mental health issues

Luke Michael, Friday, 26th February 2021 -  Fundraising leaders say COVID-19 has put mental health in the spotlight  Fundraising organisations need to create a strong culture of acceptance and openness to ensure people with

Meet the woman dressing up as a hot dog to save the planet

Maggie Coggan, Saturday, 21st November 2020 -  The quirky fundraising idea has attracted over $2,000 in donations for Climate for Change  Most of us have fundraised for a charity at some point in our lives. But most of us have never

Sustainable support: A balancing act for philanthropists

Dr Chau Chak Wing, Wednesday, 12th August 2020 -  Dr Chau Chak Wing shares some insight into how he approaches his giving and the importance, now more than ever, of finding the balance between preserving the past, stabilising the

Culture is the root of misconduct – here’s how the NFP sector should respond

Vera Visevic, Friday, 19th June 2020 -  The recent string of royal commissions into institutional misconduct have highlighted the need for a new customer-centric approach in the NFP sector, writes Vera Visevic.  The

How do we create a workplace where it feels safe to have a discussion about performance?

Leanne Hart, Thursday, 24th October 2019 -  An honest discussion about performance expectations can be a positive and rewarding experience and an important part of personal and professional growth, writes The Xfactor Collective


10 Signs Your Culture May Be Struggling

Fran Connelley, Thursday, 16th August 2018 -  The impacts of an increasingly casualised disability workforce on the culture of an organisation can be considerable, writes not-for-profit marketing specialist Fran Connelley,

NFPs Urged to Focus on Purpose

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 7th August 2018 -  Not for profits need to do a better job focusing on their purpose, in order to effectively measure outcomes and communicate achievements to stakeholders, leading social sector voices

NFP Directors More Actively Engaged in Culture

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 31st July 2018 -  Not-for-profit directors in 2018 are more actively engaged in monitoring, measuring and leading culture in their organisations, according to new survey findings. The Australian

Controversial Appointment for Head of UK Charity Regulator Causes Sector Rift

Wendy Williams, Monday, 26th February 2018 -  A rift has opened in the UK charity sector after the country’s culture secretary dismissed concerns over the government’s pick for the new head of the national charity regulator

The Hierarchy of Needs – As Applied to NDIS Transition

Contributor, Thursday, 15th February 2018 -  When applying Maslow’s hierarchy to the NDIS, what sits at the bottom of the pyramid depends on where an organisation is now, and how significantly they are affected by NDIS, writes

New Study Warns NFPs Need Strong Culture and Profits to Survive

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 5th September 2017 -  A study released on Tuesday by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) on not-for-profit (NFP) organisations, has warned that NFPs need to recognise the importance
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