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Tag : ChildFund

My Story – Maria da Graca Guerreiro

Contributor, Tuesday, 30th July 2019 -  Rita Mu speaks with Maria da Graca Guerreiro about why she chose to leave money to ChildFund in her will and how she is hoping her own decision will inspire others to do the same. Having

Small International Aid Agency Cedes Operations to Larger Organisation

Rachel McFadden, Monday, 5th June 2017 -  In a bid to save costs, increase efficiency and ensure donors get more bang for their buck, International Christian Aid Relief (iCARE) has ceded its operations to ChildFund. In a joint

Greens Aid Plan will Increase Foreign Funding

Eisha Gupta , Tuesday, 14th June 2016 -  The Greens have pledged to increase Australia’s overseas aid to the tune of nearly $8 billion, in a move welcomed by the country’s peak body for aid and development. According to a party

Business Leaders Raise Charity Mentor Funds

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 24th March 2016 -  After a high-profile lineup of Australian business leaders donated their time and expertise to ChildFund Australia’s inaugural MentorMe Auction, the charity has raised more than…

Australian Children Blame Drugs and Alcohol for Abuse

Ellie Cooper, Friday, 20th November 2015 -  Seventy per cent of Australian children blamed abuse at the hands of adults on drugs and alcohol, compared to just 4 per cent globally, one of the world’s largest polls of children’s…

Aussie Kids Blame Alcohol for Violence

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th November 2013 -  Almost half (45 per cent) of Australian children think alcohol is the main cause of violence in Australia, according to a new Not for Profit ChildFund survey of almost 6,500 children…
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