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Tag : Australian Disability Enterprise

Disability Enterprise Creates a Buzz Around Employment

Wendy Williams, Monday, 29th May 2017 -  An initiative to build bee frames to be sold to beekeepers around the country is helping people with disability enter the workforce. Coffs Harbour-based not for profit New Horizons

Historic Class Action Settlement for Workers With Intellectual Disabilities

Wendy Williams, Monday, 19th December 2016 -  As many as 10,000 workers with intellectual disabilities could be paid compensation in excess of $100 million after the Federal Court approved a historic class action settlement.

Taxi Overhaul to Benefit People with Disability

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th May 2013 -  Victoria’s taxi industry is set for a major overhaul, including the promise of better services for people with disability. Premier Dr Denis Napthine and Minister for Public…

Australian Disability Enterprise Awards Open

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 22nd June 2011 -  Nominations are open for the 2011 Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) Excellence Award, which aims to recognise the work enterprises do in providing jobs for people with a disability.…

Call for nominations to the 2010 Disability Enterprise Excellence Awards

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 30th June 2010 -  Call for nominations to the 2010 Disability Enterprise Excellence Awards Nominations are sought for this year’s Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) Excellence Awards.…
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