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Tag : Advertising

Calls to restrict fossil fuel advertising in the name of public health

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 18th July 2022 -  Calls for a ban in Australia comes as hundreds of people die of heat-related causes in a heat wave across western Europe. A group of almost 200 health professionals and organisations

How Facebook’s ads policy is impacting Australian NFPs

Lex La Sala, Monday, 12th October 2020 -  While you may not be trying to influence politics, your ad may still need a disclaimer, writes Jo Boyle. In case you missed it, back in March Facebook announced it would be requiring

$1 million of free tram advertising up for grabs

Contributor, Tuesday, 2nd July 2019 -  Australian charities and not for profits have the chance to decorate some of Melbourne’s iconic trams, with $1 million of free advertising up for grabs.  The 2020 Yarra Trams Community

NFPs Warned to Take Action Following Changes to Google Ad Grants

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 11th January 2018 -  Not for profits are being cautioned to take action or risk losing their Google grant money as the new year has ringed in changes for Google Ad Grants. From 1 January, the program, which

Charities Worst ‘Dead Letter’ Mail Offenders

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 15th October 2015 -  Grieving Australians received more than 9.5 million pieces of unwanted mail addressed to their recently deceased loved ones, at an estimated annual cost to business of $17 million,…

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Facebook Advertising? Four Reasons Why You Should!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th February 2013 -  Not for Profits are becoming more savvy with their social media, but what about social media advertising? Ntegrity’s senior social strategist Joy Toose gives her reasons

World’s Best Not for Profit Videos

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th March 2011 -  The 5th Annual DoGooder Nonprofit Video Awards, aimed at showcasing how Not for Profit organisations around the world can use video to spread their message, are now open for public…

Free Guide Helps NFPs Online Visibility

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th August 2010 -  UK-based Internet Advertising Bureau has published a free guide to help Not for Profit organisations become more visible online. The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), the trade…
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