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Podcast: The New NDIS Players

2 August 2016 at 10:56 am
Ellie Cooper
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is worth $22 billion a year and it’s estimated it will create a $16 billion contestable market, providing a huge business opportunity for new service providers.

Ellie Cooper | 2 August 2016 at 10:56 am


Podcast: The New NDIS Players
2 August 2016 at 10:56 am

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is worth $22 billion a year and it’s estimated it will create a $16 billion contestable market, providing a huge business opportunity for new service providers.

Wheelchair on busy street

The National Disability Insurance Agency told Pro Bono Australia News in the months before the 1 July rollout, the number of registered providers grew by more than 1,000, bringing the total number to more than 3,500.

There are rumours that large corporations like Bupa and Serco are circling the wagons, experts have said there is an influx of sole traders leaving the Not for Profits they work for and the scheme is touted as a golden opportunity for innovative, social start-ups.

But how much is known about the new providers? Are they driven by profit or purpose? What regulations are in place? And how well will the NDIS market give people with disability choice and control?

In the final episode of the three-part series, Not for Podcast investigates The New NDIS Players.

Featured in this episode:

  • Jovita Gartlan, partner in Deloitte’s consulting practice, specialising in business model transformation
  • Professor David Gilchrist, director of Curtin University’s School of Accounting Not-for-profit Initiative
  • Fran Connelley, founder and CEO of FC Marketing and author of How to Thrive Under the NDIS
  • Aimee McLeod-Taylor, sole trader and founder of Aim High Nutrition
  • Prue Hughes, sole trader, and founder and director of Turning Point
  • Jordan O’Reilly, founder and CEO of HireUp
  • El Gibbs, freelance journalist who writes about disability from a personal and policy perspective.

Ellie Cooper  |  Journalist  |  @ProBonoNews

Ellie Cooper is a journalist covering the social sector.


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  • Susana Bluwol says:

    How can I access the first two parts of NDIS Web

    • Ellie Cooper says:

      Hi Susana, thanks for your interest. All of our podcast episodes are available here:
      Happy listening.

  • Tricia Curley says:

    Thank you for the podcast. I really like the format and the opportunity to hear a number of opinions. I look forward to future podcasts.

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