NFP Leads in Employee Satisfaction Survey
12 May 2011 at 9:22 am
A Melbourne-based Not for Profit organisation has surpassed a number of corporates to lead the way in an employee satisfaction survey.
Homeless support organisation, Wintringham has topped an Insync Survey’s benchmark database for employee satisfaction and business performance.
Wintringham is a Not for Profit organisation that provides housing and street based support services to about 1200 homeless or at risk elderly people every night across metropolitan Melbourne.
Insync Surveys, a customer, board and employee survey provider, says Wintringham scored as the highest performing Australian organisation in its employee opinion survey database.
Top corporates listed by the survey included industry super funds, Host Plus, financial services company, Lease Plan and renewable energy company, Pacific Hydro.
The survey found that employee satisfaction at Wintringham rated 5.9 out of 7 and the weighted performance index (WPI) of all survey items was 80.2%.
Insync says the results are a ten year first.
Insync Surveys’ CEO,James Garriock, says employee attitudes and an organisation’s culture can have major impacts on key performance areas such as employee engagement and client satisfaction.
He says to see such a positive mind-set among Wintringham’s staff within a challenging work environment is a testament to management and their ability to infect staff with the same enthusiasm.
Before the Wintringham results, the highest rank for WPI overall performance was 77%.
Wintringham’s CEO, Bryan Lipmann, says the positive culture at the organisation is based on open communication and recognising everyone’s talent.
Wintringham and its subsidiary, Wintringham Housing, has an annual turnover of approximately $26.5 million. It currently employs 398 people.
Lipmann says innovative salary packaging and professional development opportunities are often referenced as key drivers in the Not for Profit sector to retain quality staff.However he says Wintringham has proven the main ingredient is simply – putting people first.
He says gaining insight into an organisation’s workforce is more than getting a clear baseline it is also about setting achievable actions plans to target areas of improvement that can be measured over time.
Garriock says he would recommend CEOs regularly join staff for road trips to gain a deeper understanding of the everyday pressures and issues they face.