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Submission Extension for Community Sector Pay Case

16 September 2010 at 3:23 pm
Staff Reporter
THE Federal Government has sought an extension of time to make a submission to an historic equal pay case for the community sector before Fair Work Australia.

Staff Reporter | 16 September 2010 at 3:23 pm


Submission Extension for Community Sector Pay Case
16 September 2010 at 3:23 pm

THE Federal Government has sought an extension of time to make a submission to an historic equal pay case for the community sector before Fair Work Australia.

The Government missed the September 15 deadline to make a submission.

Before the Federal Election, the Gillard Government had pledged to support the case to bring low pay rates in the female-dominated community sector into line with similar male-dominated industries.

It's reported that Workplace Minister, Sen. Chris Evans has asked for a deadline extension to October 14. The ACTU has also asked for an extension of time due to the long caretaker government after the Federal Election.

The Minister for Community Services, Jenny Macklin has previously said that the Government strongly supports gender pay equity, based on its values of fairness and equity as the Not for Profit sector employs more than 200,000 employees, of which 87 per cent are women.

Last year, Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Australian Services Union signed a Heads of Agreement to support a major test case on pay equity for community sector employees under the new Fair Work system, based on the principle of gender pay equity.

This is the first case relying on the more generous pay equity provisions that Federal Labor introduced into the Fair Work Act.

Under this agreement, the Gillard Labor Government agreed to work with the Australian Services Union to support Fair Work Australia in developing an appropriate equal remuneration principle for the federal jurisdiction.

It will also provide research such as labour market information to assist Fair Work Australia in determining the pay equity claim.

Fair Work Australia has yet to announce a new time table on the hearing.

One comment

  • Anonymous says:

    The increases will range from 25 – 45% and if guaranteed government funding for the extra cots does not eventuate on a continuing basis two things will happen

    Services will be reduced, and/or
    people will lose their jobs. and what will happen to salary packaging?

    Good in theory but may be a distaster in practice.

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