Second National Legal Pro Bono Conference
19 June 2003 at 1:06 pm
The National (Legal) Pro Bono Resource Centre in collaboration with the Public Interest Law Clearing Houses in Queensland, New South Wales and Victorian are hosting the Second National Pro Bono Conference in October 2003.
Conference organisers say this gathering will build on the ideas and recommendations of the First National Pro Bono Conference: For the Public Good which was held in Canberra in 2002.
This year’s conference is designed to interest current and potential pro bono lawyers, pro bono referral organisations, legal aid organisations and community legal centres, academics and students, advocates for disadvantaged groups and government policy makers.
The NPBRC says it will draw on the diversity of experience in Australia and overseas, and will provide an opportunity to assess how models of pro bono service delivery can effectively address social justice objectives.
The conference will also provide practical guidance on developing pro bono schemes and projects. Workshops will cover issues relating to particular groups, including children, the homeless, Indigenous communities, people with disabilities and people from non-English speaking backgrounds.
Workshops will also consider the potential for information technology to be used to support pro bono work.
Conference themes include:
Social responsibility and legal practice
Pro bono models and community needs
Global perspectives on access to justice
Pro bono in practice
Developing a pro bono culture
As well the conference will be an opportunity to learn from successful pro bono initiatives in Australia and from a diverse range of overseas jurisdictions including South Africa and South American countries, the USA and UK.
A number of international keynote speakers will participate in the conference including Esther Lardent, President of the Pro Bono Institute in Washington. Esther is being brought to Australia as part of a successful Fulbright application made jointly by the Victoria Law Foundation and the NPBRC.
The Conference will be held at the Sydney Marriott Hotel on 20-21 October 2003. If you would like an electronic Conference flier just send us an e-mail to