Philanthropy Think Tank Links the World
19 February 2001 at 12:02 pm
The ePhilanthropy Foundation.Org in the US is preparing for an international Think Tank Open Forum and if you can’t be there in person you can take part via the telephone.
The Forum will take place on 2 March, 2001 in New York and is expected to run for between 90 minutes and 2 hours.
ePhilanthropy Foundation.Org has been e-mailing invitations around the globe offering international participants the option of a telephone link up.
The US chairman and founder of “Charitableway”, Pete Mountanos, will host the meeting. The organisation was established to foster the use of the Internet for philanthropic purposes. Its CEO and President is Ted Hart.
A copy of the draft agenda is expected any day now as well as any costs involved. But you can register your interest in the event in the meantime by sending an e-mail to Pro Bono Australia will keep you up to date on the preparations and the discussion.