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Volunteer Management: Research, Trends and Guidance for Not For Profits

Date: 28 September 2017 at 10:00 am Presenter: Tobi Johnson Run time: 60 MINUTES Location: Online Live Tickets: $55.00 – $500.00 (in AUD) Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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The Post Webinar Pack is now available for purchase. It includes:

Audio and video recordings, slide decks and webinar books for the webinar. The webinar book is a tool designed to ensure your learnings last. It includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream and presenter notes.



The Global 2017 Volunteer Management Progress Report: Key Research, Trends & Guidance for CEOs & Executives of NFPs 

If you are an executive that leads a volunteer-powered organisation, don’t miss your chance to hear “state of the industry” research and compare how your organisation stacks up to similar organisations around the world.

The 2017 Volunteer Management Progress Report covers the responses of 1,314 not-for-profit and public sector professionals from 19 countries representing all types and sizes of organisations.

In this webinar, the report’s creator will reveal the top challenges faced by leaders of volunteers as well as median salaries, intent to stay, staff-volunteer supervisory ratios, management practices, and more.

She’ll also compare how these findings relate to current best practices and where opportunities exist to support a more robust, strategic, and effective volunteer workforce.

In order to make the most of community-based philanthropy, you need clear benchmarks to make informed decisions. This webinar will help you get started.

We will cover …

  • Overview & Research Methodology
  • Key Data & Findings
  • Recommendations for Nonprofit CEOs and Executive Directors
  • Q&A


Post Webinar Pack:

Can’t make the date? All registered participants will be sent a post-webinar pack three business days after the session. The packs include the audio and visual recordings, slide deck, and (if purchased) the webinar book. The webinar book includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream and presenter notes.


Tobi Johnson

Tobi Johnson

Tobi Johnson is the president and founder of Tobi Johnson & Associates, a consultancy that helps nonprofits strengthen their volunteer strategy, and of VolunteerPro, an online networking and professional development community for leaders of volunteers. With over 30 years direct experience in the nonprofit sector in the United States, Tobi is now an internationally recognized expert, thought leader, and catalyst in the field of volunteer engagement and has presented at both state and national conferences on volunteerism in Australia. Tobi authored Chapter 1, “Big Shifts That Will Change Volunteerism for the Better,” of the anthology Volunteer Engagement 2.0: Ideas and Insights for Transforming Volunteer Programs in a Changing World, published by Wiley & Sons in 2015.
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