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domestic violence

Behind closed doors: The migrant and refugee women suffering in silence

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 6th August 2020 -  COVID-19 has seen a sharp increase in the number of women experiencing domestic and family violence, but advocates say one group in particular is falling through the cracks. 
silhouette hand holding on iron net cage with blue sky and city background sunset

Immigration detainees ‘scared and stressed’ about catching COVID-19

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 5th August 2020 -  The number of people detained in Australia has increased during the coronavirus pandemic    
asylum seeker boats

Australia’s borders are shut, so where does that leave refugees?

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 28th July 2020 -  Humanitarian advocates say people fleeing dangerous situations are more at risk than ever


doctor treating migrant woman in refugee camp in Myanmar.

It’s time to help migrants and refugees bearing the brunt of COVID-19

Ezekiel Simperingham, Thursday, 9th July 2020 -  It is clear that the pandemic is affecting some more than others. We need to look beyond our own communities and provide support to those who are far from home, often isolated and at grave risk, writes Ezekiel Simperingham.

The government’s talking to migrant community leaders, but where are the women?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 8th July 2020 -  Groups representing migrant women say it’s time the Victorian government listened to women when handling coronavirus
Refugee family shadow against a brick wall

Advocates say it’s time to adopt a Canadian-style refugee program

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 16th June 2020 -  Community leaders believe current programs fail to encourage widespread community participation in the welcoming and supporting of refugees
box of donated food

The communities left behind in the pandemic

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 25th May 2020 -  “We are essentially putting a Band-Aid on what could become a larger societal issue,” charity leader says.

Just like home, but a little different

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 12th December 2019 -  Populations are dwindling across rural Australia and many towns are struggling to survive. But a program connecting refugees with work and a place to call home is out to change this. 


Explainer: the medevac repeal and what it means for asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru

Contributor, Thursday, 5th December 2019 -  Jacqui Lambie has made a secret deal with the Coalition government to secure the repeal of medevac, writes Alex Reilly from the University of Adelaide.
Child refugee

Review calls for refugee community sponsorship program

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 27th November 2019 -  A new report says Australia needs a community sponsored visa program which harnesses the collective strength of whole communities
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