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Over 3 million Australians locked into poverty

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 24th February 2020 -  The poverty rate in Australia is worse than in most other wealthy countries
Aerial view of houses in Melbourne

Help on the way for Australia’s 15,000 modern slavery survivors

Luke Michael, Friday, 21st February 2020 -  A charity partnership is looking to rebuild the lives of modern slavery victims

‘It’s a continuation of the Stolen Generation’: How the social housing system is failing vulnerable Aboriginal women and their kids

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 19th February 2020 -  Aboriginal parents in domestic violence situations are having their children removed at record numbers due to a lack of social housing, homelessness organisations say.   
foreign aid

Australia steps down aid in Asia, as it steps up in the Pacific

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 18th February 2020 -  Aid groups say funding cuts in Southeast Asia do not make sense from both a humanitarian and security standpoint


group of seniors with female doctor

Predictions for 2020: Community services

Doug Taylor, Tuesday, 18th February 2020 -  A report released in the latter part of last year could lead to a tipping point of sorts for the not-for-profit sector in 2020, as the implications of this start to play out and we ask questions more critical about the pros and cons of markets in hum
disability work

‘We need to see action’: Disability advocates present plan to end barriers to work

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 17th February 2020 -  The plan has been labelled a down payment on the future of people with disability 

Government inquiry launches to find answers to homelessness

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 17th February 2020 -  Homelessness organisations are being encouraged to have their say in the inquiry

Australia faces a multi-billion dollar economic hit without strong climate action

Luke Michael, Monday, 17th February 2020 -  Inaction on climate change could cost the global economy up to US$9.87 trillion by 2050 
Disability support worker with lady in a wheelchair

Improper care causes spate of preventable deaths for people with disability

Luke Michael, Friday, 14th February 2020 -  More than half of the deaths reviewed in Queensland were considered potentially treatable or avoidable


two men talking to a farmer on his land

The key role of community organisations in disaster recovery

Cassandra Goldie, Friday, 14th February 2020 -  The community service sector is committed to helping those impacted for as long as it takes to rebuild and protect communities into the future. But as work continues on-the-ground, the need for a federal government response that complements the effor
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