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Creating Impact Through Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th March 2013 -  In a series of blogs, Corporate Partnerships Manager at United Way Gabrielle Kay will explore the impact of corporate volunteering on three key stakeholders: employees as volunteers, the businesses that support their employees to volunteer and partne

Call for Volunteers to Star in New Campaign

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th February 2013 -  Volunteering Australia and the peak state volunteering bodies are recruiting every-day volunteers to appear in this year’s National Volunteer Week 2013 promotional campaign.

Call for Volunteer Conference Abstracts

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th January 2013 -  Organisers of the 15th National Conference on Volunteering to be held in South Australia in September are calling for abstract submissions.

Research Highlights $Billion Value of Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th December 2012 -  The economic value of volunteering to Victoria has grown by over 130 per cent in 15 years, according to new research from the University of Melbourne.

Tassie Volunteers Ageing ‘Dramatically’ – Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th December 2012 -  A new report has revealed that while the number of volunteers in Tasmania is on the increase, the average age of volunteers will also increase due to the ageing population.

Call for Skilled Volunteers on International Volunteer Day

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th December 2012 -  Not for Profit organisations around the country are calling on skilled volunteers to consider volunteering overseas to coincide with International Volunteer Day (IVD).

Volunteering Australia Re-Emerges

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th November 2012 -  The nation’s peak volunteer organisation Volunteering Australia has held its first Annual General Meeting under its new constitution, co-opting President Paul Lynch to be reappointed as head of the transitioning organisation.

Australian Contingent to World Volunteer Conference

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th November 2012 -  An Australian contingent of volunteer experts is preparing to travel to the world volunteer conference in London in December.

Community Legal Centres Survive on Volunteers & Pro Bono – Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 1st November 2012 -  Almost 60,000 hours of pro bono legal work was provided through Community Legal Centres across Australia in the last twelve months, according to new research.

Future Proofing Tassie Volunteering

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 10th October 2012 -  Tasmania’s volunteer organisations have been urged to maximise the opportunities presented by advances in digital technologies in order to future proof volunteering.
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