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Nominate for Human Rights Community Award

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 8th September 2015 -  Nominations are about to close for the 2015 Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Award to be presented at the Australian Human Rights Awards ceremony in December.

QLD To Investigate Volunteer Numbers

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 6th August 2015 -  New research into how and why Queenslanders volunteer may be key to combatting the decline of people who volunteer regularly, according to the Cancer Council Queensland.

Charities Working Overseas Dominate Volunteers – Report

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 30th July 2015 -  Despite making up only 15 per cent of Australian charities, those that operate overseas are responsible for more than a third of the country’s two million volunteers, according to a new report by Curtin University.


Calling All Volunteers – What’s in a Name?

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th July 2015 -  What’s in a name? Quite a lot it would seem, if the extensive and at times impassioned conversation about the definition of volunteering has been anything to go by, writes the CEO of Volunteering Tasmania, Adrienne Picone.


Perfect Match: Harnessing Big Data to Find the Right Volunteers

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 18th June 2015 -  Australia’s growing army of volunteers is presenting Not for Profits with a unique problem – finding the right kind of volunteer and IT expert Nathan Sri writes that data-mining might be the solution.

Informing Volunteers About Mental Health

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 14th May 2015 -  New online resources from Not for Profit beyondblue aim to educate volunteers on how to boost the mental health of older people in their care.

New Volunteering Awards Open

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 12th May 2015 -  Nominations have opened for Victoria’s first ever State Volunteering Awards which acknowledge all facets of volunteering.

Matchmaking Tool for NFPs

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 28th April 2015 -  A Melbourne entrepreneur has created a new online tool he claims will enable Not for Profits to connect easier with people looking for life-enriching opportunities such as volunteer work.
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