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Social Issues

Uncle Jack Charles smiling

Remembering Uncle Jack Charles and his commitment to community

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 14th September 2022 -  The Aboriginal Elder, author, artist and activist made significant contributions to the social sector, partnering with not for profits to advance the progress of First Nations peoples.
older couple looking at house

Affordable housing crisis forcing older renters into aged care

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Tuesday, 13th September 2022 -  The nation’s housing crisis is impeding the ability of older Australian renters to secure appropriate housing, a new report reveals.

Successful disability internship program extends eligibility

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 7th September 2022 -  The Stepping Into internship program has expanded its eligibility criteria, connecting more people with a disability with leading Australian workplaces.


Strategy Spotlight

If we really want systems change, we need transformation

Felicity Green, Tuesday, 6th September 2022 -  In the first of our Strategy Spotlight series, Felicity Green looks at the five key lessons learned by industry leader Alex Hannant in effecting industry change.
A stack of books viewed from the side so we can see their colourful covers and pages.

Impact in Indigenous literature continues to grow

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 5th September 2022 -  The Indigenous Literacy Foundation is marking a year of success in highlighting and supporting First Nations literature.


A brown instrument wallet with a stethoscope lying on it.

Why we must recognise the injustice of Australia’s medical history

Jamal Hakim, Wednesday, 31st August 2022 -  Australia's medical history is rooted in colonialism. Jamal Hakim explains why we need to acknowledge our history.

COSS Corner

Coss Corner

Councils of social service gear up for jobs and skills summit

Contributor, Wednesday, 31st August 2022 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.
A lady stands in front of a black fence which is around a grassy space. She is wearing a blue polo shirt and jeans and has dark hair.

Sowing seeds for a healthy future in Kalkarindji

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 30th August 2022 -  A grassroots project will focus on increasing nutrition using native plants and hands-on learning.
The City of Sydney Lord Mayoral Team, from left: a woman with dark hair and tortoiseshell glasses in a white blazer and blue top, a man with dark hair and a light shirt under a navy suit, a woman with dark skin in a black dress with a traditional style necklace, a woman in a black suit with dark hair and an older man in a dark suit and tie. They are laughing at the camera.

City of Sydney makes the move to net zero

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 30th August 2022 -  Developers and the City of Sydney council have joined forces in support of new regulations that will help the city reach its net zero goal.
A person on a dark background holds up their hand in a stop sign. They are blurred out in the background.

New data reveals high levels of emotional abuse in Australia

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 29th August 2022 -  Advocates say the data release reinforces the need to address inequality, discrimination and attitudes that support violence.
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