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Dealing with the trauma of youth homelessness

Luke Michael, Monday, 3rd June 2019 -  The lowest point was when the police officer came to the door. Jessica* was already at breaking point, and now the police were handing her a warrant giving her family two days to leave their home.

Homelessness campaign holds out hope on social housing policies

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 15th May 2019 -  Candidates are being cautioned not to underestimate the power of voters experiencing rental stress, following the launch of the first home-loan deposit scheme, which advocates say ignores the needs of nearly one million households living under housin



Why do people really become homeless?

Contributor, Wednesday, 14th November 2018 -  While the majority of the general public thinks drug addiction is the main reason for homelessness, the reality is quite different, writes Dr Julie Moschion, in this article first published in Pursuit.

Adelaide at the vanguard of ending street homelessness globally

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 21st November 2017 -  South Australia’s efforts could help shape the global response to street homelessness, according to the advisory committee chair of the Institute of Global Homelessness (IGH), which has recognised Adelaide as one of a select group of “vanguard ci

What Should You Do If You See Someone Sleeping Rough?

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 25th August 2016 -  People sleeping rough are the most visible form of homelessness and with the numbers increasing year on year, Pro Bono Australia News spoke to people on the ground about what you should do if you see someone sleeping rough.
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