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“The Listening Project” Finds Fiscal Australia Not Listening to NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th September 2010 -  A major study into the survival of Australian Not for Profits - The Listening Project- finds that the sector needs to be more visible and valued by government and corporate bodies.


NFPs Failing to Communicate Impact

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th September 2010 -  A new study into Not for Profit communications has found that organisations are good at describing what they do but many fail to clearly communicate the impact they have in people’s lives.

Report on US NFP Salaries

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 29th September 2010 -  US Not for Profit, GuideStar's annual compensation report on CEOs shows women are losing ground in the USA.

Best Practice in Not for Profit Taglines

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 29th September 2010 -  Voting is open in the 3rd Annual US Getting Attention Nonprofit Tagline Awards.

Crowding Out! Does Funding from Government Reduce Other Donations?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th September 2010 -  A US study has found that charities significantly miss out on or receive reduced funding from other donors when a government gives a grant to a private charitable organisation.

Foundation Execs Test Social Media – Survey

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th September 2010 -  A new report finds that about one-third of Foundation CEOs in the US regularly use Facebook or read blogs, and only six percent use Twitter.

Older Generations Demonstrate Generosity

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th September 2010 -  New Australian research reveals that almost 90 per cent of people aged over 60 contribute to charities in some way.

Hunger Costing Poor Countries $450 Billion a Year : ActionAid Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th September 2010 -  A major international report by Not for Profit group ActionAid has revealed that hunger is costing poor nations $450 billion a year.
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