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Vic Charities Still Buried in Red Tape

Lina Caneva, Friday, 12th August 2016 -  Victoria’s community sector charities are contributing billions to the state’s economy and creating thousands of jobs, despite battling convoluted and expensive reporting requirements, an analysis by sector peak body VCOSS has found.

More Screen Time Than Family Time Charity Research Finds

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 11th August 2016 -  A new national survey from suicide prevention Not for Profit R U OK? has revealed Australians spend more time watching their TV and computer screens each week than with their loved ones.

Research Looks at People With Disability Being Entrepreneurs

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 11th August 2016 -  A new research project will look at how people with disability are taking control and creating their own jobs by becoming entrepreneurs, despite facing considerable economic and social exclusion in Australia.

More Australians Missing Out on Community Legal Assistance

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 9th August 2016 -  The latest legal census by the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) has found that as many as 160,000 Australians were turned away from Community Legal Centres (CLCs) in 2014/15 – up by at least 30,000 from the previous census.


Land of the ‘Fair Go’ No More: Wealth in Australia Is Becoming More Unequal

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th August 2016 -  Australia’s wealth distribution is not only unequal, it’s faring worse than other OECD countries write social historian Christopher Sheil and emeritus professor of political economics Frank Stilwell.

Poor People Cutting Back on Essentials

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 4th August 2016 -  Low-income households and people on welfare benefits are being forced to cut back on essential items including food, utilities and medical treatment, according to a new report.

Campaign to Make Sure Homelessness Counts in the Census

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 4th August 2016 -  Not for Profits, led by Homelessness Australia, are campaigning to ensure that homeless people are included in the 2016 census so the severity of the issue is accurately represented.

Public Housing Could Save Health Millions – Homelessness Report

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd August 2016 -  A new report has found that the provision of public housing for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness could save nearly $5,000 per individual each year in health costs alone.
Woman walking

Just One Hour of Exercise a Day Could Offset the Risks of Modern Life

Wendy Williams, Monday, 1st August 2016 -  Working in an office is as bad for you as smoking but just one hour of exercise a day could help combat the fatal risks of modern life, according to new research.
Lack of cultural diversity in Australian leadership roles

Australia’s Top Jobs Lacking Cultural Diversity

Wendy Williams, Friday, 29th July 2016 -  Australia’s top jobs are dominated by people with Anglo-Celtic backgrounds in spite of a multicultural society, according to a landmark study on cultural diversity in leadership.
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