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Budget Outcome: Communicating NFP Impact

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 19th May 2015 -  In the wake of the Federal Budget, the days of Government support for the Not for Profit sector are somewhat limited but solving social issues starts with communication, writes Perth-based community advocate and researcher, Conrad Liveris.

The Missing Piece: How Close Is Social Enterprise in Reaching its Full Potential?

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th May 2015 -  Mark Daniels, Head of Market Development at Social Traders highlights the role social enterprise currently plays in Australia and explores the barriers preventing it from reaching its full potential.

Housing Affordability Must be a National Focus

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 5th May 2015 -  The release of Anglicare’s Rental Affordability Snapshot shows just how dire the situation is for many Australians simply trying to keep a roof over their heads, writes Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness, Senator Jan Lucas.


Partnership Benefits for People with Disabilities and Their Carers

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 28th April 2015 -  Mutually beneficial partnerships between people with disabilities and support workers can play a fundamental role in the positive nurturing of life chances for people with disabilities, writes author and disability researcher Dr Peter Gibilisco.

The Politics of Social Enterprise

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 22nd April 2015 -  Social enterprise is inherently political but is curiously being deemed politically-neutral in the lead up to the UK Election next month, writes Dr Andrew Curtis, co-founder and director of the Dragonfly Collective.


Diversity, Not Just a Buzz Word

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 16th April 2015 -  Diversity isn't just a “buzz word” or nod to political correctness - it has real, tangible value for society, writes CEO of Settlement Services International, Violet Roumeliotis.


Competition Policy: Not Always Good, Not Always Bad!

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 2nd April 2015 -  The Competition Policy Review Report has adopted some commendable principles, particularly the emphasis on placing the consumer at the centre of all services, writes David Crosbie CEO of Community Council for Australia.


A Whacking Stick is Not Enough to Get Young People into Work

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 26th March 2015 -  It’s time for a serious discussion between Governments, business, Not for Profits, educators, the community and young people about creating more jobs and supportive, realistic pathways to achieving them, writes researchers from the Centre for Socia
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