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NFPs Must Market Themselves Better: Dream Employers Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd September 2011 -  Not for Profit organisations need to forge stronger links between HR and marketing to become more people’s dream employers, according to Insync Surveys CEO James Garriock.

Sector in the Taxman’s Sights – Opinion

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th September 2011 -  Special Tax Edition | Tax not only affects the work of the community sector, but the sector itself. After years of inactivity, it’s now facing significant tax reform and the devil may be in the detail, says Myles McGregor Lowndes from the Australia

Why Does Tax Reform Matter to the Community Sector? – Opinion

Cassandra Goldie, Thursday, 15th September 2011 -  Special Tax Edition | Why does tax reform matter to the community sector, beyond that it allows sufficient revenue to be raised for programs and services? Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) CEO Cassandra Goldie outlines how tax can change t

Patchwork Economy Trends Continue – CBA

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th September 2011 -  CBA Finance News | The Reserve Bank of Australia recently published their latest quarterly update on the economy. The RBA’s quarterly updates contain the central bank’s latest thinking on the health of the economy, and the outlook for inflation

High Court Grounds Malaysia Solution – Opinion

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 1st September 2011 -  Unless there were to be a bipartisan agreement in the Parliament or a government deal with the Greens, asylum seekers arriving by boat now need to be processed fairly, promptly, on our terms and on our turf says ‘the meddling priest’, Fr Frank Br


London Riots – Blaming Young People is Not the Answer: Opinion

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 24th August 2011 -  The recent riots in London should be seen as a call to action on how Australia responds to the disenfranchised, the alienated, the excluded and the marginalised, according to Jan Owen, CEO of the Foundation for Young Australians.

Failing Welfare System Highlights Need for Reform: Greens

Staff Reporter, Monday, 15th August 2011 -  A sharp increase in the number of people being turned away from community support services highlights the need for substantive reforms to Australia’s social security system according to the Australian Greens.

Investing for NFP’s in Uncertain Times

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th July 2011 -  CBA Finance News | Is there a magic wand to solve a Not for Profit's investment conundrum? David Tagg, Head of Wholesale Investments at the Commonwealth Bank, provides investment advice for Not for Profit organisations facing uncertain times.

Message to NFPs : Australians “More Progressive” Than Previously Thought

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st July 2011 -  Some 55% of Australians want business to contribute more to the community and society overall, according to new research that suggests Australians are more progressive in their views than previously thought.

Increased Demand Anticipated for Research and Education NFPs: CBA

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th July 2011 -  CBA Finance News | In the Not for Profit sector, approximately 6,600 organisations are involved in education and research and can expect to experience increased demand for their services, according to Commonwealth Bank economist, James McIntyre.
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