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Are You Going For Individual Glory Or Team Gold?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st August 2012 -  Australia has the local resources and leadership in many communities to do the work of building the common good, but do we have the blueprint to create lasting change and the resolve to be accountable for our progress asks Doug Taylor, the Chief Exec


Report on Asylum Seekers Won’t Please Everyone

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th August 2012 -  The Expert Panel’s Asylum Seekers Report emphasises it is presenting a suite of measures which would operate together: so there should not be “cherry picking” by a cynical or desperate government but it naturally contains elements which will no


Be Careful What You Wish For!

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd August 2012 -  The ACNC, Australia’s first charity regulator, cannot and should not try to be all things to all people instantaneously, warns the CEO of the Community Council of Australia, David Crosbie.


You Gotta Laugh, Mate

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 31st July 2012 -  What does homelessness, ageing, cultural differences and laughter have in common? Comedian, Uma Thacker looks at highlighting social justice issues through humour.


Politics And The NDIS

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th July 2012 -  THAT AIN'T RIGHT- how do you explain your refusal to fund the NDIS to the electorate who voted for you - or don't you believe that Coalition voters have disabilities asks the President of the Victorian Disability Services Board and disability campaig


Private Ancillary Funds Must Remain Private

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th July 2012 -  If Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) do not remain private, under the current reform process, it is likely that their growth, and that of the philanthropic sector, will significantly diminish, argues Peter Winneke, Head of Philanthropic Services, Myer F

Co-designing for social good Part I: The role of citizens in designing and delivering social service

Staff Reporter, Friday, 13th July 2012 -  Can social services actually be ‘designed’? asks Ingrid Burkett, the Social Design Fellow at the Centre for Social Inclusion.


Accessible Taxis? Not If Your Body Doesn’t Meet Australian Standards

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th July 2012 -  Dear taxi industry, instead of demanding that our wheelchairs be modified to suit the needs of the taxi industry, why not take up your moral and legal responsibility and modify taxis to meet our needs writes the President of the Victorian Disability


The University of Life – Now Open for All Young Australians

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st May 2012 -  A major factor that affects the mental wellbeing of our young people is the shockingly poor pathways for progressing from dependence to independence says Jan Owen, the CEO of of the Foundation for Young Australians which has just launched Young Peopl


A 90 Year Old Volunteer’s Generosity of Spirit

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th May 2012 -  National Volunteer Week: Fundraising Epidemiologist, David Zerman tells of his unexpected encounter with a 90 year old “volunteer” whose words he remembers every day.
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